1:1 Coaching

Support, Challenge, and 1:1 Leadership Development

Our coaches are qualified, forward thinking, experienced educators, not only great at listening but also with the expertise to provide insight, and the right measure of support and challenge.

We call them Coach Educators and their skill is not simply coaching, it’s 1:1 leadership development.

Our Coach Educators are:

  • Qualified, supervised, effective and experienced
  • Accredited to debrief a range of psychometric instruments
  • Skilled at working at all levels, including the most senior, across sectors, cultures and contexts
  • Effective at shifting mindset as well as developing skills
  • Experienced at delivering coaching support virtually and at short notice

Our coaching packages are designed to support executives with specific priorities, goals and situations, and our approach is:

  • Goal-oriented, learner-led and results-driven – with experienced, qualified coaches
  • Flexible and capable – tailored to suit specific priorities and valuable in a range of situations
  • Insightful, cost-effective and proven – capable of tackling a range of leadership issues
  • Internationally-experienced – with ambitious, multi-cultural clients and in challenging circumstances worldwide

Coaching Assessments

Our series of Leadership Scenarios provide an in-depth assessment of capability and confidence across 100 leadership topics, and they can be customised to suit specific organisational needs.

In addition, our coaching team are accredited to deliver and debrief all of the most popular and effective instruments. We have a view on which ones work best, and when, and we would be delighted to share our experience. And if you’re wondering, we are huge fans of the Hogan suite’s comprehensiveness, versatility and insightfulness. Also a rigorous 360-degree assessment is hard to beat for clarity, relevance and impact.



Format: 5 x 90-minute sessions, plus online assessment and feedback


Our most versatile coaching package: energising, immediate, and with high impact.
For use in situations where a coach educator is needed to provide support and challenge. Particularly suited for individuals participating in executive development programmes.

Trusted Advisor


Format: 4 x 90-minute sessions


A Trusted Advisor (TA) helps leaders realise their potential, both immediately in the short term and also sustainably over time. TAs also enable executives to build the self-awareness, focus and practical action needed to develop and create the future they want. 

As well as providing goal-oriented coaching, TAs are thought leaders, skilled at guiding an individual’s personal, professional development across a wide range of business and leadership challenges. 

Finally, TAs enable executives to learn and progress by providing the counsel, wisdom and experience needed to gain new perspectives, take practical action, reflect, review, and succeed. 

Personal Vision + Leadership


Format:10 x 60-minute sessions, plus online assessment and feedback


What is your personal vision, your aspiration for the future, your planned legacy? Where and when do you struggle and excel? How do you move from good to great?

Over the course of a series of virtual 1:1 coaching sessions the leader engages with the specific task of reviewing their vision of success. The process explores the subsequent recalibration required to intentionally optimise your leadership and personal effectiveness. This approach provides the opportunity for leaders to reflect, focus and plan in a safe and professionally facilitated context, enabling them to re-evaluate their journey so far. We then identify which assumptions and behaviours are either enabling or disabling the change necessary to achieve the leader’s aspiration and goals.

Leader Transition


Format: 8 x 60-minute sessions, plus online assessment and feedback


Designed for executives who are entering a new role and need support before and after they take on their new position.

Coaches are skilled at focusing on the practical aspects of moving into a new role, including: preparation, balancing work and home life, setting short-term and longer term goals, building networks, relationships and personal brand, setting and managing priorities, gaining momentum, learning, and developing a team.



10 x 60-minute sessions, plus online assessment and feedback


What is your personal vision, your aspiration for the future, your planned legacy? Where and when do you struggle and excel? How do you move from good to great?

This coaching package is designed for high potential managers and leaders at all levels who are the future of the organisation and would benefit from the support, challenge and personal focus of a coach.

Sessions enable executives to develop self-awareness, confidence, emotional intelligence and presence. They also ensure that each individual receives valuable feedback highlighting their strengths and areas for development, and both of these then form the focus for personal development planning.

Media Training


Delivered virtually in 2 x 120-minute sessions


This coaching package is designed for leaders whose role requires them to engage with (or respond to) media via online video conference, telephone, radio and television. It is delivered individually, allowing a highly personal, tailored focus on the vocal and physical nuances affecting how an individual is perceived by others.

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