What have you learned recently?
A learning mindset and agility are vital prerequisites during times of challenge and change. People that are learning-agile are able to future proof their career, moving on from skills and ideas that are no longer relevant to new ones that are.
So, how can you cultivate learning agility? Several techniques will help:
- Embrace innovative thinking and try things that are new. Find new ideas and ask repeatedly “What else?” and “How else could I approach this?”
- Looking for similarities and connections between issues, especially with complex situations. Build out from where you are now and what you know.
- Stay calm and objective when trying something new, and listen instead of reacting.
- Make time for reflection and seek feedback from others. Ask colleagues what you could have done more, differently or better.
- Look for new projects and stretch assignments: push the boundaries, even if success is unlikely. Support others who do this as well.
- Avoid defensiveness. People will fail: it’s part of the game and it’s how we make progress. So acknowledge failures, capture the lessons and support others who are trying to make progress.
How else can we learn and develop?